Histogram of ETF Daily Total Returns

Volatility is measured by the (annualized) standard deviation of daily returns. Volatile ETFs have return distributions that are very spread out. By contrast, low volatility ETFs have tight distributions, where the daily returns are clustered around the average.
  • Period

Histogram Of Daily Returns: Dec 07, 2023 - Dec 09, 2024

Histogram of daily returns

Mean Average +0.1% +0.1%
St. Dev. 0.8 % 0.9 %
Volatility 12.1 % 14.2 %
Total Return +33.7% +17.0%
Max Daily Rtn +2.5% +3.4%
Min Daily Rtn -2.9% -6.1%
Positive Days 154 (61.1 %) 149 (59.1 %)
Negative Days 98 (38.9 %) 101 (40.1 %)
Unchanged Days 0 (0.0 %) 2 (0.8 %)