Analysis & Backtesting Tools for ETF Investors is a research, analysis and backtesting website for Exchange Traded Funds. ETFreplay’s tools are designed to allow investors to find, test and pursue a robust and repeatable process for gaining exposure to up-trends while avoiding large drawdowns.

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Rank ETFs according to their relative strength
ETF Screener
Test allocation, moving average and relative strength strategies
Examine ETF dividend yield, correlation and volatility etc.
ETF Tools
Compare the returns and volatility of up to 5 different ETFs
ETF Charts
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How to monitor a moving average strategy

Q.  "How can I check for moving average crossovers on the ETFs in my portfolio each month?” A.

Relative Strength Composite backtesting with a regime switch

We have added an RS Composite option to the Regime Relative Strength backtest. Annual subscribers (both pro and regular) can now switch from using regular 3-factor RS models to RS Composite models by turning on t ...

Relative Strength: 3 Factor vs Composite

The range of Relative Strength tools and backtests on ETFreplay come in two varieties: 3 Factor and Composite.   3 Factor Relative Strength The Relative Strength (RS) model employed by the Screener, RS R ...

ETF Relative Strength Backtest

The ETF Relative Strength backtest, which is free to use, is now a simplified version of the Relative Strength Composite backtest. This means that, rather than relying on a single lookback period for relative str ...